Describe 5 weaknesses you have

Only 5? Okay let's prioritize....
I hate conflict and avoid it with a passion, so if I need to address it I don't. Often people have no clue when I am upset with them. Meaning that I hold it in forever until I can no longer and then they have no clue why I am upset.
I rarely ask for what I need. I don't like to be needy or vulnerable too often. It makes me uncomfortable, so I only trust those really close to me to be completely open with.
I don't know how to flirt or really talk to men, once I like them or could like them I lose the ability to express myself. Then when they make a statement like "I like you" I have no clue what to do with it and pretend it didn't happen.
I am a worrier. If I have a test, or interview, presentation, or feel I did/said something wrong I worry. I replay the scene over and over again in my head or catastrophize the possible outcomes.
My last and best weakness is food namely french fries, bread, and diet Dr. Pepper. I have to try really hard to avoid these things and sometimes don't make it through the day without them. :(
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