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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stacia and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

So yesterday was a, for lack of a better word, sucky day. I found out that I would be moving a child out of town and everything that was supposed to occur on a certain time table took twice as long as I planned. I was not in control of the days events and missed out on another obligation to complete this surprise day. My 8 to 5 day turned into a 10 to 10 day.
At some point during the day when I was whining to myself I realized that for me this day was an inconvenience for the child I was moving it was a possible life altering day. One that may change the course of his life. At that moment I stopped pitying myself and allowed the day to progress as it was anyway. I also tried to make the day as smooth form my kiddo as I could.
Look at me experiencing emotional growth and stuff :) It only took me 4 1/2 years in this job to get over myself and put things in perspective.

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